
Zoe, NMPS Social Worker/Wellbeing Coordinator

Teacher/therapist request process

At times, staff at North Melbourne Primary School receive requests from parents/carers to enable external professionals (including therapists, medical, and allied health) to make contact with teachers to support the needs of their child. 


Such requests may include:

  • Teacher completion of screening tools and assessments required by external professionals
  • Coordination of meetings between therapists/ allied health/ classroom teachers
  • In-class observations
  • Onsite therapy

All such requests must be made in writing to zoe.bourdon@education.vic.gov.au or north.melbourne.ps@education.vic.gov.au


Individual teacher email addresses should NOT be provided to external parties as all requests must be centralised. 


Please note, such requests require a number of processes to be undertaken prior, including paperwork and approvals, and therefore we ask that you submit your initial requests with sufficient notice to enable these processes to occur. 


Ultimately, the decision to allow therapists to conduct therapy on school grounds rests with the principal as a delegate of School Council, who will consider all relevant factors including family and social circumstances, physical space available, and the flexibility of the student’s learning program.


We thank-you for your cooperation.