
From Julia, Science specialist

Biology in the Junior School

This Term in Science, as we study the science of life, we are learning lots about life cycles, how things grow, and how living things are different to us. 


Students have been introduced to Biology through the lens of what different living things need to survive. We have identified that plants need sunshine and water to grow, and we have planted our own cress to take home and watch as it grows.

Year 1

Students have been getting to look at the differences between different living things. We have compared yabbies to ourselves and even gotten to look at exoskeletons of a yabby, comparing their sizes and how it grew over time. We then made our own yabbies using our body parts (traced hands and feet) to compare to the equivalent body parts of yabbies.

Year 2

Students have started their journey to become life-cycle experts this term. So far, we’ve covered humans, butterflies, and plants, with more to come. To witness the plant life-cycle first hand, our young researchers have set up some bean growing experiments in clear bags to observe as seeds grow roots, then sprout up as their needs of sunlight and water are met.