Performing Arts News

Ribbon Sticks

From Dan, Kimalee, and Patrick, Performing Arts Specialist teachers


Performing Arts at Errol Street continues this term, with a strong focus on music over the past few weeks. All our Year 3 - 6 students are being introduced to the Solfege system to practice pitch and aural skills, with each note of the scale given a syllable – do, re, mi etc. – and students learning the associated hand symbols as they practice singing simple melody lines.



Our Year 3 - 4 students have all been working on rhythm and percussion skills using our latest high-tech instruments – bucket drums! It’s a lot of fun, and the students are sounding great as they play in unison and keep time together.



Year 5 - 6 students are focusing on learning xylophone music inspired by West African balafon (a type of traditional xylophone) music. NMPS has a range of different xylophones and glockenspiels, and we are practising playing and combining different parts of a musical arrangement and hearing how different sounds, tones, and timbres work together.