Year 4 News

From Georgie Year 4 teacher

Year 4E share their learning

Students have been really busy in all subject areas this term, learning about inferring, multiplying and dividing, working on our sentence lengths an leads and using descriptive language to make our writing more interesting.  


By Shravya

In Reading, we have been learning all about visualising and also inferences. 

Visualising is all about making up stories, thoughts and ideas by looking at pictures and diagrams. Some of the words we use to help us visualise are where, what, why and how. 

Inferences, inferences, inferences.... we have been learning all about how to understand a story or clip by using our schema and our past knowledge. We look at the characters and use clues to infer how they are feeling. 


By Eeshan

I would like to tell you all about what we have been doing in Writing. We have been learning about the sizes of our sentences. If it is a long sentence, our teachers have been teaching us how to break it up into shorter sentences using punctuation. Some sentences can be longer or shorter, as long as they are effective and they make sense! 

We have also been using different types of words to make our sentences sound impressive. We do this by using more descriptive words to help our reader stay engaged in our work. 



By Lisa

In Maths this term, we have been learning about multiplication, division and fact families. I have really enjoyed multiplication because we have been doing really fun activities. 

For people who don't know what fact families are, they are things where you have one sum, for example 5x7=35. Then what you do is you change the sum up and make it 7x5=35. After that you can do the same thing but using division, you can make it 35 divided by 7 is 5. That's how you do fact families.  

Maths Rules!