From the College Chaplain 

Mother's Day Blessing

Mother's Day Prayer

By Mehak Jaura – Year 10


Dear Heavenly Father,


On this Mother's Day, we come before you with hearts overflowing with love and gratitude for the incredible gift of mothers everywhere. Their love is a constant source of strength for their children, a warm embrace through life's storms, and a guiding light on countless paths.


Thank you for their endless patience, the gentle hands that wipe away tears, and the fierce spirits that always believe in their children. Thank you for the countless sacrifices they make, putting the needs of their families before their own.

Bless them all, dear Lord, with renewed strength, wisdom, and peace. Fill their hearts with the joy of knowing how deeply they are loved and cherished by their children and families. May they feel the warmth of your love surrounding them on this special day and every day.


For mothers who are no longer with us on earth, hold them close in your loving embrace. Grant their children comfort in the memories shared and the strength of their love that continues to guide them.


In your loving name, we pray.


Mother's Day Poem

By Kevin Huynh – Year 10


“So I will comfort you, as one whom his mother comforts" – Isaiah 66:13a


Your presence is a comforting embrace,

On Mother's Day, We appreciate

all of the comfort you provide.

Offering a safe haven and sacred space.

Your soothing words are a soft breeze

Bringing relief and putting our minds at ease.

In your embrace, we find rest.

A sanctuary, truly blessed.

You dry our tears with tenderness.

Your presence lifts despair.

With every hug and sigh,

you whisper love and never say goodbye.


Your love is a gift beyond compare.

Always present, always there.

You've been our rest and guide,

throughout every step and stride.


To you and all Mothers everywhere

We say thank-you

On this special Sunday;

Happy Mother’s Day.