International Baccalaureate 

Mission Statement

At Good News Lutheran College we are very excited to share with you our new mission statement posters for the Primary Years and Middle Years.

The poster displays both the Good News Lutheran College mission, as well as the IB mission statement. Our mission statements, alongside the traits of the Learner Profile, allow us to remain focused on providing rich learning opportunities for our students to develop a global perspective through intercultural understanding and respect.

Rebecca Moore

PYP Coordinator

Celebrating Respect through the Learner Profile: Caring

Respect is one of our college values, aligning seamlessly with the IB Learner Profile attribute of "Caring." Caring students learn to show empathy, compassion, and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. This attribute helps create a supportive and respectful school environment that nurtures personal development alongside academic achievements.


Our MYP students exemplify respect through their active engagement in community projects and commitment to learning effective communication and social skills. By participating in initiatives that benefit the community, they contribute positively and learn to appreciate diverse perspectives and needs, reflecting a deep respect for those around them.


This holistic approach to learning helps them become thoughtful and considerate members of society, fully embodying the value of respect in all their interactions. We are proud to witness their growth and commitment to these values!


Jessica Ventura

MYP Coordinator