Year 7 & 8

 Ms Taryn Sephton

Our Wellbeing Day in the heart of the forest  

Ms Sephton
Ms Sephton

The inaugural Year 8 Wellbeing Day - on Wednesday - was held in the jarrah forests of  Manjedal Activity Centre in Karrakup, near Jarradale.  The program was run by Adam and his team from Armed for Life. This program included presentations on Respect, Resilience and Self Esteem, a rotation of competitive House based activities and concluded with a House challenge which saw Mandela take out the win. Manjedal’s location at the foot of the Perth hills provided the perfect opportunity for our students to enjoy the day surrounded by the natural environment. We know the Year 8s all gained much from the day and are to be congratulated on their participation and conduct throughout.

Term Two Reminders

Lockers and Locks

Each locker is required to have a school issued combination lock securing the items within. If you have lost your lock since the start of the year, please visit Reception to purchase a new one. This can be done via card or added to your school fees.



Attached here is a link to the school uniform policy:


Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Regardless of whether you are wearing uniform A or B your shirt is required to be always tucked in. 
  • All students are required to wear a tie or bow tie with top button done up.
  • Blazers are required to be worn to and from school each day and to Chapel every Monday afternoon.

It was an absolute pleasure to witness the fun and excitement of the lead-up to IHPAF, on tonight at the Perth Town Hall. So many of our Year 7 and 8 students are involved either as performers on stage or in roles of support. I  am proud of the positive way in which you engaged in this experience.  It has been a great start to Term Two !



Ms Taryn Sephton

Head of Year 7 & 8