Heads of House

Around the Houses

IPAF: Good luck tonight!

Gandhi House

Welcome back! Term One left us with some incredible results - but also with a little bit of work to do in the battle for the House Shield. We currently sit in third place for the overall House Shield, meaning our Term Two events are as important as ever. Tonight, our Interhouse Performing Arts Dance and Drama teams are able to put their time and hard work into action. All the best to all Houses and students involved, it is sure to be a great night. We are so proud of the efforts of our Dance and Drama teams so far and can’t wait to see the performances. Closely following, we have the Interhouse Cross Country Carnival on Thursday 2 May. This is sure to be a great whole school event and we can’t wait to see our excellent Gandhi House Spirit shine throughout. Keep your eyes peeled for updates from our House Extended PCG during Week 3. The Gandhi Amazing Race is sure to be a lot of fun! Go Gandhi!

 Ms Amy  Perejmibida

 Head of Gandhi House

Lincoln House

The race is on for first place in the House Cup as we will have two large Interhouse events occurring in short succession. Tongiht we will be participating in the Interhouse Performing Arts Festival. As I am writing this article our Theatre Challenge team are hard at work rehearsing, although with the games on stage being Improv, you can never truly prepare for what you will have to perform. It is an incredibly daunting task, and I am so proud of the team for all their efforts. The Interhouse dance team has also been hard at work for the Dance Challenge. I have written about this a few times already, and it is incredible seeing the fruits of the students’ labour, finally all come together. I can’t wait to see both teams on stage this evening.


Next Thursday, the entire House will be heading out with the School to participate in the Interhouse Cross Country. I encourage all students, even if you are not a long distance runner, to participate in the event. Each participant earns points for the House and with less than one hundred points between the three Houses, Cross Country will definitely be a major contributor to who will be leading the point tally at the end of Week 3. With the whole school in attendance it will be a great opportunity for Lincoln House to shine.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone who RSVP’d for the Lincoln House Sundowner next Thursday. It is shaping up to be a wonderful evening and I look forward to being able to connect with the greater Lincoln House community there

Mr Vincent Lim

Head of Lincoln House



Mandela House

Welcome to Term 2. I hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable Easter break and your child, or children, are ready for the many exciting events this Term has to offer.


This term we dive head first into two important House events of the  year. Tonight is the Interhouse Performing Arts Festival in which our Dance and Drama students will take centre stage and perform their dance routine and drama acts they have been working incredibly hard on. The Mandela Glee (dance) team have been working on their dance routine for countless lunchtime and recess hours in the fitness centre, choreographing, practicing, and learning it since mid-Term Three last year. It has been amazing to watch. Not just their dedication, but their ability to work together as a team and pull of something amazing. I would like to say a huge thank you to all the students involved in both events, particularly the Year 11 Girls, our House Captain Wil Moesker, School Prefect Hannah Seymour and Drama Prefect Jess Bakes. We would not have such a strong team without your dedication to the House and leadership. Good luck to all students involved in all Houses.


In Week 3, we have our Interhouse Cross Country Event, which is sure to be a day to remember, as this year the whole School will be involved at the event, running and cheering on their teammates. This event and the Dance event are both events we are aiming to retain our wins from last year!


Well done to Mandela House for your incredible efforts in Term 1 in all areas. Your participation, commitment and attitude is extraordinary. We won most events last term, and we are currently on top of the House Leader board. We have three terms and many events to go - "we got this". Let’s go!

   Mr Thomas Dempers

Head of Mandela House