Chaplain's Corner

Fr Gift Makwasha

Showing respect for others

Welcome to Term Two. Some exciting things have already happened! 


Last week it was a pleasure to host Bishop Hans Christensen, the Bishop to Schools. Bishop Hans had the opportunity to meet with Mrs Campbell to learn about St George’s Anglican Grammar School. Then he met with me, and he visited one of our Year 7 classes (pictured), where he had a 15-minute interaction with the students before visiting our other campus at 10 William Street. 


This week began with St George’s Day and we were blessed to have our Archbishop, The Most Reverend Kay Goldsworthy AO, preside and preach.

Mrs Campbell announced during the School Commencement Chapel service that our school theme this term is “Respect for Others”.For the rest of this term in Chapel we will explore what it means to have respect for others. Mrs Campbell has already dissected the word R.E.S.P.E.C.T to see what it possibly means for us when considered as an acronym.  As we look at each letter of the acronym, we hope that we will be able to: 


1. Appreciate our individual uniqueness and differences
2. Understand the needs of others
3. Speak kindly to and about others
4. Strive to reach our full potential
5. Use our words and actions in ways that earn us the trust of others
6. Be encouragers who celebrate the success of others
7. Treat everyone as equal. 


Beliefs and Values classes are also exciting this term. Year 7s are exploring the history of the Israelites from being slaves in Egypt and to settling in their Promised Land. Year 8s are looking at the origins of our Anglican Identity, the English Reformation.  Year 9s are exploring Buddhism, while Year 10s are studying the Ethics of Jesus based on the Gospel of Luke. Year 11s are looking at what the five world religions, which are Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, say about social justice, and Year 12s are doing the exciting ASC module on Peace and Nonviolence. 


Our goal this term is that what we learn in classroom and chapel help us to grow in our respect for others.

Fr Gift Makwasha

School Chaplain