Counsellor's Corner

Mrs Ebony Kriedemann

Try the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 grounding method

Mrs Kriedemann
Mrs Kriedemann

As we ease into the school term, I want to take a moment to acknowledge any stress that you may be feeling, especially as we reach assessment time! The good news is, everyone here at

St George’s has your back so, if you are struggling or feeling like you are falling behind or need someone to chat to, reach out to your Head of Year who can help point you in the right



Let's talk about a helpful mindfulness technique called the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 grounding method. It's a simple yet powerful way to manage stress and anxiety, perfect for anytime you need a moment to centre yourself.


5 | See: Look around and name five things you see. It could be anything from your backpack to a

poster on the wall. Take a moment to really notice the details, like colours and shapes. Focusing

on what you see helps calm your mind and brings you back to the present.


4 | Hear: Close your eyes and listen for 4 sounds around you. Maybe it's the sound of pencils

tapping or the distant chatter of classmates. Paying attention to these sounds helps shift your

focus away from worries and into the present moment.


3 | Feel: Concentrate on your sense of touch. Notice 3 things you can feel, like the texture of

your clothes or the keyboard you are typing on. Becoming aware of these sensations' grounds

you in the here and now.


2 | Smell: Take a deep breath and identify 2 different smells around you. It could be the scent of

books or the smell of a delicious lunch from our wonderful team on Level 4. Breathing in these

smells helps bring you into the present and ease any tension you may be feeling.


1 | Taste: Finally, focus on your sense of taste. Notice 1 thing you can taste, whether it's the minty freshness of gum or the sweetness of an apple. Paying attention to this sense completes the grounding process and helps you feel more centred.


Next time you're feeling overwhelmed, give the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 technique a try. It's a quick and easy way to find calm and refocus your mind. Read more here:


Let me know how you go! Have a lovely, restful weekend ahead.


Mrs Ebony Kriedemann

School Counsellor