Mr Derryn Ling 


Last Sunday, thirty-five students including catechist children were confirmed by Bishop Terry in the church. It was a beautiful ceremony and it was wonderful to see the church overflowing with people. Special thanks to Bishop Terry, Father John and our classroom teachers, Miss Kambouris, Miss Condon and Miss Ascenzo for their preparation and support for the students.




We have twenty-five students who will be doing their First Reconciliation on Thursday 16th May at 2:00pm in the church.  All parents and families are invited to join us in the church for their child's reconciliation.



Each student has received a white stole, that will be used during the Reconciliation ceremony. This stole will also be used at your child's First Holy Communion and Confirmation. It is customary that a symbol of Reconciliation is put on the stole.


You may wish to utilise the service offered to our school by Mrs Trish Gangi, who decorates the stole for a small fee. There were forms included in the pack for this purpose. The symbols are also on display in the school office. Of course, you may wish to decorate your child's stole yourself.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.




Reconciliation for Grade 4s Thursday 16th May 2:00pm


First Eucharist for Grade 4s Sunday 11th August 10:30am


Feast of the Assumption Thursday 15th August 9:00am