Specialist - PE (Katherine & Miss Wood)


On Monday, 29th April we had 27 Miners Rest students representing the school with great pride and determination at the Eureka Division Cross Country held at Federation University. The course was a tough one, a 1km circuit including hills, grass and very uneven terrain. The 9/10 year olds completed 2 laps whilst the 11 and 12/13 year olds 3 laps. All of our students were very competitive against many other Ballarat schools and our students certainly showed great grit and determination to complete the course.

Congratulations to all students who not only participated in this race but also encouraged their fellow team mates which certainly helps with events like these. Special mention goes to Layla P who cheered on every single team mate especially when they were struggling on the hills.

Well done to Seth C who finished 8th and Oliver D who finished 4th on Monday in their respective age groups. They have once again successfully progressed to the Region Cross Country Championships to be held in Warrnambool on the 27th May.

Many thanks to Bec Jones who was a marshal on the course for the day and to all of our wonderful parents/guardians who came to support our students.

It was a fantastic day and a bonus that we were able to come home dry this year and enjoy some sunshine!

We now look forward to the F-2 Gymnastics and some more Football Clinics this week.


Trials and training sessions have also begun for our Winter Sports teams including Soccer, Football and Netball which the Year 5/6 students are certainly excited about.