Inclusion & Engagement 

Student Voice and Agency

What is Student Voice?

Authentic student voice provides opportunities for students to collaborate and make decisions with adults around what and how they learn and how their learning is assessed.


What is Student Agency?

Student agency refers to the level of autonomy and power that a student experiences in the learning environment.


Student Voice and Agency in the Millie Building.

Across all classrooms in the Millie Building this term we have seen the introduction of Writer’s Workshop. This has enabled all students to choose their own topics to write about during writing lessons. Students have also created a Seed Book for the classroom which allows them to access some of their own ideas that they have chosen to include for possible topics to write about. Students in the Millie Building have thoroughly enjoyed the freedom of choosing their own writing topics this term and we look forward to seeing what wonderfully creative pieces they produce throughout the year.


Students and teachers in different classrooms have also come up with different ways to include Show and Tell into the weekly routine. Some classes have chosen to collaboratively decide on the topics for their Show and Tell, while others have opted for the Star of the Week to take home a toy from the classroom and share their at home experience with the class. Another way Student Agency has been included has been by giving students the opportunity to present their Show and Tell topic in any way that they choose – this may be in the traditional style of standing up in front of the class and speaking, making a short video, bringing something in to talk about etc