Teaching and Learning

What DO Teachers do on a Curriculum Day?

You may have wondered what teachers do while your child has a day at home.

It depends on the teachers' learning focus, what we need to know more about in order to support your child's learning.

Last Friday our Curriculum Day focused on Maths. Just as in the classroom, we started our day with a 'warm up' task. This led to discussion around how this activity might be altered to suit the different age group of students at MRPS. The adapted activity is being trialled in classrooms this week.

 We investigated what makes a challenging maths task. This involved completing a professional reading about them and discussing, as a team, what resonated with us as well as what further questions we may have about them.

The best part of the day was trying to solve challenging maths tasks in teams, just like a regular classroom! As teachers, when we do the task it helps to pre-empt students' thinking and questions they may have when they attempt the same task. Working with others always generates valuable discussion about why some solutions work and some are better than others. And it's fun!

Here are some photos of our day ...


Pat Withell

Learning Specialist