From our Counsellors

Active Listening and Co-Regulation 

Active listening and co-regulation are two skills parents/carers can use to help foster connection and manage disagreements or conflicts with their children. Being able to listen actively means being present physically and emotionally, listening with acceptance and curiosity rather than judgement, showing genuine interest by asking follow up questions, and tuning in to the emotions and other elements that are being communicated (i.e., what feeling or need is the child communicating through their words, tone of voice, body language?). In order to listen and hold space for children and young people, adults need to manage their own emotions. Modelling the use of self-control (pausing, breathing, responding rather than reacting, feeling emotions without getting lost in them) and coping skills is paramount for children to learn those skills and develop them for themselves.

If you are interested in learning more, please see the list of resources below: 





Happy Families, Mindful Parenting Podcast, The Self-Reg Show 

*see more: 




  •  How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk (Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish)
  • Parenting from the Inside Out (Dan Siegel and Mary Hartzell)
  • 15-minute Parenting (books for different age groups) (Joanna Fortune)


Edith Benardeau-Short



Charlotte Edmonds
