Principal's News 

Pauline Cutajar

As we begin Term 2, I extend a very warm welcome back to our community. It is heart-warming to witness the enthusiasm, energy, and dedication with which our students and staff have begun this new term.


Within the pages of this newsletter, you'll find a detailed roadmap of the myriad activities and opportunities that have occurred recently including our ANZAC Day Assemblies, House Cross Country, and the much-anticipated Year 11 & 12 Formal to name just a few. Each of these events was not only an opportunity to gather as a community but also a poignant reminder of what a wonderful community Shelford is. I know I am not the only one who is taking the time to truly appreciate and celebrate all that Shelford is. 

Of course, we are also eagerly awaiting the opening of our Senior School Play – Clue which opens on Friday 26 April and closes on Saturday 27 April. If you haven’t already done so I encourage to purchase tickets for you and your family via one of the many links embedded in this newsletter! I wish Erin Juers and our wonderful cast “chookas” for both the opening and closing performances.  I look forward to seeing you there.


Another event, I always look forward to is the SPA hosted Mother’s Day Luncheon. This year’s event on Friday 10 May, promises to be the biggest and best yet! If you haven’t yet secured your place, please do so via the SPA page in this newsletter.


As we continue navigating Term 2 together, I encourage each member of our community to participate in the array of opportunities available. May it be a time of growth, discovery, and joy. I look forward to continuing to work closely with and for the community. 


All the best for the term ahead.