Internship Programme: A Special Report

Empowering Student Growth through Professional Experiences

Our school prides itself on its annual Internship Program, an integral part of secondary and junior college class activities in Term 2. The primary aim of this program is to offer students a gateway to tangible real-world experiences, professional opportunities, and a chance to make a genuine impact on their personal growth as well as on society.


Commencing from October 30th to November 3rd, 2023, the Internship program collaborates with over 30 company partners. These partners enthusiastically open their doors to students from Secondary 1 to Pre-University 2, immersing them in various realms such as business, technology, networking, and more.

Each student level delves into distinct fields. Secondary 1 students passionately explore the food industry, uncovering the intricate journey from production to the customer's table. Simultaneously, Secondary 2 students embrace the creative industry, mastering skills in advertising, design, editing, and more, contributing significantly to the businesses they intern with. Secondary 3 students venture into the start-up and manufacturing sectors, learning the ropes of business establishment and maintenance.


Meanwhile, Secondary 4 to Pre-University students engage with industry experts, gaining insightful experiences pivotal in shaping their future careers and guiding their university major choices.

Throughout the internship, students are encouraged to employ their abilities and skills to the fullest. In return, they garner invaluable lessons that foster personal, academic, and professional growth. This program serves as a beacon illuminating pathways for students, unveiling new vistas of opportunity and self-discovery.