Recent Events

There are two recent events that we would like to share with everyone: the American Math Olympiad, and also our fashion show on Heroes Day. 

American Math Olympiad

SIS Surabaya proudly hosted the American Math Olympiad (AMO) 2023! On November 4th, our campus became the hub for numerous talented students from schools across the Surabaya area. 

Among them, we were delighted to see our own SIS Surabaya students showcasing their math prowess and problem-solving skills. 


A monumental day of mathematical challenges and camaraderie!

My Heroes, My Inspiration

On November 10, 2023, SIS Surabaya's Primary Division observed Heroes Day with a memorable event under the theme "My Heroes, My Inspiration". The entire school community, including students, teachers, and staff, united in a reverent and spirited atmosphere to honour this occasion.

A Fashion Show featuring participating students alongside several teachers added vibrancy to the commemoration, amplifying the celebration's enthusiasm.


Throughout the event, SIS Surabaya's community gained valuable insights, drawing inspiration from the remarkable resilience, sacrifice, and bravery exhibited by historical heroes. This served as a driving force, inspiring individuals to embrace the ethos of these heroes in confronting and overcoming the challenges essential to nation-building.

Immersed in Heritage: P6 Field trip to Cak Durasim Cultural Park.

On the vibrant morning of November 14, our Primary 6 students ventured on an enriching journey into the past with the theme "Immersed in Heritage." The destination was Cak Duraism Cultural Park, where history and culture came alive for our eager learners. The day began with a sense of excitement and curiosity as the students entered the museum, immersing themselves in the rich tapestry of artifacts that told tales of bygone eras. From ancient relics to cultural treasures, every exhibit became a window into the heritage that shapes their identity.

The adventure didn't stop there; the students were treated to a captivating cultural film, enhancing their understanding of the traditions woven into their heritage. The day reached its pinnacle as our young enthusiasts engaged in a lively session of learning a traditional dance. The Primary 6 field trip was not just an outing but a transformative experience, leaving the students with cherished memories and a deeper connection to the rich heritage that defines our community.