Leadership Report

As another great year at Magill School draws to a close, I can't help but reflect on how incredibly privileged I feel to lead this vibrant learning community. I want to acknowledge and thank the incredibly talented and dedicated leadership team for helping to guide our school on it's learning journey. I couldn't do it without them.
Magill students are the best! They come to school every day wanting to learn and grow. Their enthusiasm and wonder is inspiring and always lifts my mood when I'm around them. The media can sometimes portray a sense of doom and gloom, but spend a few minutes with our students and you will be filled with hope and positivity.
I’m incredibly proud of the Magill School teachers and SSOs for continuing to inspire our children to be the best that they can be. My admiration and thanks to all staff for their tireless work in making our school the great place that it is to work, and for their dedication to giving their best to each and every student.
A great school also needs a great community and our community is wonderfully supportive and connected. The turnout for our concert was amazing and it was wonderful to be able to hold this special event with so many of you there. Thank you to all parents and caregivers for being so supportive.
I would like to wish all of our Year 6 students and others who are leaving Magill School all the best for the future. I hope that you have fond memories of your time at Magill and I wish you all the best at your new schools.
Unfortunately, the end of the year is also a time to bid farewell to some staff. Firstly, Anne Headland is retiring and on behalf of our community I want to acknowledge and thank Anne for her many years of service to our school community. We wish her the best for the next phase of life and know that she'll always be a Magillian at heart.
We also say farewell to Victoria Belton, who has taught here for several years. Victoria moves onto to a new challenge in 2024. We wish her all the best for the future and hope that she has fond memories of her time at Magill.
We also thank Robyn Sambell, Philippa Callaghan, Tina Kokolakis, Rommi Clark and Janet Polglase for their contribution and wish them well for the future.
At the end of each term, students, staff and parents eagerly await the release of our latest Inside Magill episode.
Finally, I wish our community a safe and happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year. May your holidays be spent doing things that make you happy.
I look forward to seeing you all again on Monday 29th January, the first day of school for 2024.
John Iannunzio