Principal's Message

From the Desk of Tracey Parsons - Term 4, Week 10

Good Afternoon Parents/Carers


Another year has been done and dusted at Werris Creek Public School.  Another great year of learning and another great year full of fun extracurricular activities.  It has been a pleasure to be a part of Werris Creek Public School relieving as Principal in Terms 3 and 4.  


First and foremost, I would like to congratulate the students for all the efforts they have put in day in and day out.  


At some time throughout the year every child has had the opportunity to achieve success be it in the classroom, on the sporting field, or representing our school.  We all know that everybody is good at something, and Werris Creek Public School certainly gives every child the chance to succeed at something.  


A huge thank you to the wonderful teaching staff, Miss Spicer, Miss Overell, Mr Wilcox and Mrs Williams.  You all put in extra effort to ensure quality teaching and learning in the classroom.  Your tireless work doesn't go unseen.  Having such a dedicated, enthusiastic staff certainly makes my job easier and less stressful.  Also a big thank you to Mrs Roach and Ms McGilvray for all of your support in helping our students achieve this year and your support to the class teachers in relief work.


Thanks to the wonderful SASS staff consisting of Ms Toone, Ms Pearson, Mr Uptin, Mr Peach and Tina.  What a great support you have all been not only for the teachers but most importantly the children.


Thank you to our amazing office ladies, Ms Schumann and Mrs Woods.  Once again, you have kept the school humming along nicely.  I thank you for all you do and more importantly keeping me focused and on track.


Thanks also goes out to Doug and Sue for keeping the school in pristine condition.  I have never seen a school with better gardens and lawns and cleaner classrooms.  These two hard working staff members go above and beyond what is expected of them, and they definitely do more hours than they should.  


To our Student Leaders, thank you Jorja, DJ, Brodie and Shania who have led the school with great pride.  You have all been wonderful leaders and role models to all the children.  I know next year's captains have extremely big shoes to fill.


Also, congratulations to our Sports Captains.  You have helped out a lot during the year looking after the sports equipment and keeping that sports shed tidy.


To Year 6:  It has been a delight to have spent time with you all at Werris Creek Public School.  The staff and I are very proud of your achievements and who you have become as people.  As you move onto the next chapter of learning we wish you all the best at High School.  We know you will enjoy it and be very successful in whatever you choose to do.  You all have the capacity to learn and achieve.


My motto in life is Dare to Dream.  Dream high and never let anything or anybody stand in your way.  I had a dream.  It started when I was 12.  38 years ago, I was sitting where you are, and that dream was one day to become a teacher at Werris Creek Public School and look where I am now.  Doing exactly that.  All it takes is determination and dedication.  So dreams do come true.  


As 2023 draws to a close, I would like to thank you all once again for my time at Werris Creek Public School.  I have enjoyed every minute, and I will miss you all but I'm sure I'll see you around town somewhere.  


Merry Christmas and have a safe holiday.




Mrs P

Relieving Principal