Junior Classroom News

F/1/2 News
Transition Prep
The Transition Preps had another great session on Friday 10th November, 2023. They enjoyed participating in Walker Learning. We also read the book “Jigsaw: A puzzle in the post” by Bob Graham and had the opportunity to make our own puzzles.
F/1/2 News
The F/1/2 class have had a great few weeks of learning.
In Maths we have started learning about measurement. Last week we were learning about area. The students practised their ability to count squares to find out the area of blocked shapes. They had a good practical knowledge of what area is, by discussing where different areas or spaces were in our classroom. This week, we have started learning about length. We already have really developed skills of direct comparison and are starting to focus on the importance of having informal units of measurement touch, but not overlap.
In English, the students are working on identifying the Author’s Purpose in a test. The students are learning about the three main purposes of “to inform”, “to persuade” or to “entertain”. We are discussing what these three words mean and how we identify them.
In Cross Curriculum, we have turned our attention back to digital technology and have been focusing on data collection and manipulation. The students have been learning about different file types, using talk to text, and how to edit an image.
In Walker Learning, the students have been showing some great learning. Making Beyblades has been a favourite at the Lego area. The students are developing concepts about weight distribution and where they need to place the point of their Beyblade, so that it is able to spin properly. In Reflection time, Arwin shared about his Beyblade and how he has noticed that when he puts Legos inside his Beyblade and spins it, they go to the outside and it looks like they disappear. The rest of the class was really interested in this phenomenon. We discussed the concept of centripetal force and how it is just like when a car turns the car too quickly and you push to the outside. Archie also identified that it is like if someone spins you around by your hands that you feel like you are being pulled away.
3/4 News
This fortnight we have been looking at explanation writing and narrative writing. Wer have created some explanation writing pieces based on the topics of our ERP's... We will be presenting these at our term 4 ERP expo.
Our narrative work has been based on the ideas of 'rolling a story'. We each got a 6 sided dice to create an exciting story... What kind of story might you get if you were to roll?
For Remembrance Day we learnt about the world wars and why it is important to remember these significant events in our history. Everyone did an excellent job creating their artworks of a soldier standing in the sunset/ sunrise.