Senior Classroom News

Grade 5/6 News
Firstly, I would like to say how proud I am of the Grade 5 /6s for the hard work and dedication they put into their stall for the school’s fete on Friday. They are a credit to themselves and the school.
We had four stalls: the cake/ slice stall with Nevaeh, Billie, Kaley, Kaitlyn and Willow—the nail polish stall organised by Pippa, Sofia, Charlli, Elvie and Mieke. Oliver, Logan, Eli, Ethan and Amelia worked well together to get all the popcorn bagged and set up. The running races group comprised Heath, JJ, Mac, and Patrick, who came through, in the end, to show how they could pull together their resources to set up for the egg and spoon and sack races. All the groups worked well together to show persistence and resilience when they had to problem-solve a situation.
All the groups worked well together to show persistence and resilience when solving a problem, making posters to promote their stall and giving change to their customers—a special thank you to the students who were there for the cleanup.
Over the last fortnight, the Grade 5/6 have been busy completing the RE unit on Creation and Our Responsibility. We are now moving into the unit called The Birth of Jesus, The Messiah.
We have been working on using different opener words/ phrases and punctuation, improving our fluency and comprehension strategies in English, and writing a recount of our incursion of Police Officers Shane and Robert. Here are is an example:
Police incursion
At 9:30 the police Rob and Sane came to the school on Thursday and talked to the class ⅚ we learned a bunch of new things let me list some of them.
They started answering questions like ‘how did you become a police officer’ so that lead to us learning some of Shane’s backstory, he used to work for the government and said it was pretty boring and that his brother convinced him that being a police officer is a great job so he signed up.
We learned a lot about their gear and weapons they always have to carry. The heavy gear along with their gun, baton and spray. It turns out that their heavy chest plate is bullet proof! And the police that came had never never shot any one but had sentenced people to jail numerous times. One of the questions that was asked was ‘do you know Morse code’ they didn’t. But there was a code called the phonetic alphabet that was pretty cool because they had a word for each letter!
Rob and Shane told us about how important it is to stay safe online by not bullying other people like one girl they said was called brodey who got bullied so bad that it lead to suicide and the ones who bullied her were sent to jail. And the advice was if people online are not making you feel good you see a trusted adult. So there is now a law called brodie's law.
There is also a law that you can’t have more than 5 greyhound on a lead, Rob and Shane didn’t understand that one.
The incursion was pretty fun, I learned a lot of stuff that could come in handy later on in life. By Elvie
Grade 6 retreat
The Grade 6 students will be participating in the "Reaching for the stars" retreat with Maria Ford from the CES and Mrs Brockett on Monday December 4th.
This will be held in the school hall.