Principals Message

The P&F committee did a fantastic job organising our annual fete. The event was well attended and everyone had a wonderful time. Thank you to President Katrina Ogden and her committee for their time and hard work.
Monday November 27: Pupil Free day: Planning day 2024
Friday December 1: Specialist Showcase and Mini concert
Wednesday December 6 @ 11.30am: Blessing and Opening of building
Friday December 8: Pupil Free Day: Strategic Plan 2024 – 2027
Tuesday December 12: Statewide Transition Day
Friday December 15 @ 1.00pm – 3:20pm: End of year and Graduation Mass ; Mrs Fraser retirement celebration
Friday December 15: 2:30pm -5:30pm Retirement celebration invited guests
Tuesday December 19 at 3.30pm: Last day for students
Wednesday December 20: Last day for staff
On Friday December 1st from 11.00am – 1.30pm, our specialist teachers are organising a showcase of the wonderful work that your children complete in the specialist classes. We look forward to showcasing work completed in Art, Auslan, Respectful Relationships and Science. At the end of the showcase of work we encourage you to join our teachers and students for a mini Christmas concert. Each class will sing a Christmas carol and a song. The whole school will perform a song together. We will incorporate the assembly into the end of the concert.
Staff are in the process of organising classes for 2024. If your child is not returning to St Mary’s in 2024, could you please advise me as soon as possible. This request does not involve parents of 2023 grade 6 students.
We welcome Josephine Horton who commenced her placement for her Certificate IV in Education Support on Thursday November 16th. Josephine is from Melbourne and has relocated to Wanalta while her partner Riley Cusack works in the area with his family. Josephine has settled in well and is getting to know all the students.
A reminder for parents, that before school supervision does not start until 8.30am.
We ask that the students are not dropped off before this time.
If your child walks to school without an adult, please support them to identify an appropriate leaving time, so that they are not arriving at school prior to 8.30am.
The school hall carpark is a busy place from 8.30am – 8.50am and at the end of the school day from 3.10pm – 3.25pm. It is for this reason that we ask you to show extreme care as you enter and exit the car park. Whilst children are escorted by an adult in the carpark there is always the possibility of a child not listening or walking in the right direction and therefore being in a compromised situation.
Keeping our kids safe as they get to and from school is everyone’s responsibility.
As kids come to and from school it’s important for drivers, pedestrians and cyclists to be aware and take extra care during these busy times. Even a small reduction in speed could save a child’s life.
Children & pedestrian safety
Research shows that young children do not have the skills and experience to be safe in traffic on their own. Parents and carers need to take special care and supervise young children in traffic.
Children up to 5 years
Parents and carers must always hold children’s hands when near traffic or the road. Once a child is mobile, especially walking, they must never be left unsupervised around roads or vehicles. Young children lack the skills, knowledge and judgement to be able to cope with traffic and so need to be constantly supervised.
Children 5 years up to 12 years
Parents and carers can help children by providing plenty of practical supervised experience in using the road safely, as a part of the journeys taken every day. Research shows that children under age 12 do not have the skills and experience to be safe in traffic. Teach them safe traffic behaviour and set a good example.
Children 11 or 12 years and over
Children may become more independent in their travel, however in complex traffic situations they may still require supervision. Check regularly to ensure that children remember and follow safety procedures. Work with them to plan safe walking and cycling routes.
Victoria Police have a list of precautions to help kids stay safe when walking to school. Some of their suggestions include:
- Walk confidently.
- Pay attention to what’s going on around you.
- Don’t wear headphones, as they may stop you from hearing danger approaching.
- Find an easy way to get to school and home again with good crossings and as little traffic as possible.
Some other helpful tips include:
- Parents should help their children plan a safe route.
- Avoid taking shortcuts — stick to the planned route.
- Watch out for cars at every driveway and intersection.
- Don’t accept rides from strangers
St Mary’s Primary School has a vibrant parent community, and your involvement is welcomed and encouraged. As a school, we are proud of our supportive and enthusiastic parent community. There are many ways for parents to become involved in the school community, and ultimately your involvement enriches school programs and enhances your child’s growth and learning. Some of the opportunities for parent involvement include:
- Supporting and engaging in learning programs
- Becoming a member to our School Advisory Council Covering
- Shelving books in the Library
- Assisting with food preparation, BBQ at special school events when required
- Becoming a member of our ‘Parents and Friends’ committee or assisting with their activities.
For the safety of our community, all parent helpers at St Mary’s Primary School are required to have a Working with Children check.
Have a great fortnight,
Thea Parry
Acting Principal