School Events

Slime School Run 4 Fun - last day to fundraise!

Get your slime on, Camelot Rise Primary School is hosting a Slime Spectacular School Fun Run fundraiser! 


The Slime Spectacular School Fun Run will be on Friday 1st December. (Change of date)


Thank you to everyone who have donated, we have had an amazing response from our school community.


Today Tuesday 28th November is your last chance to donate at 


#schoolrun4fun #funrun #australianfundraising #fundraising #slimespectacular 

Volunteers for the Slime School Run 4 Fun

Join us for a day of fun and laughter!  We are looking for volunteers to help with our incredible Slime Spectacular School Run 4 Fun on Friday 1st December. 


If you would like to help with our fundraiser, please express your interest by completing the google form link below


We appreciate you helping us make our Slime Spectacular School Run 4 Fun the best day at school!


For more information, please contact Kerryn on/at 98035344/


Foundation STEM Incursion

On Friday 27th October all Foundation students took part in an incursion run by For the Love of Science. Mad scientist Mandy set up three hands on stations including bubble snakes, oobleck and creating a rainbow of colours which all students had the joy of experiencing. Students then watched some colourful and exciting demonstrations performed by mad scientist Mandy. Students had a great time and expanded their scientific knowledge at the same time.

Science Discovery Dome Incursion

On the morning of Tuesday 31st October excitement was brewing at Camelot Rise Primary School, the word was beginning to spread that a massive tent (The Science Discovery Dome) was being inflated in the school gym. All classes from Grade 1 to 6 spent a 50-minute session in the dome between Tuesday 31st October and Thursday 2nd November. Students covered various topics including the formation of our Solar System, Earth’s weather and the seasons. Topics were targeted to the Science curriculum at each level. The dome was an immersive planetarium experience and it thoroughly enjoyed by all students.

Ceres Excursion Level 1 and 2

Levels 1 & 2 took part in an exciting whole day education program run by CERES educators to support their Term 4 Inquiry essential question, 'How do the materials we use impact the environment?' Students discovered and engaged with a range of exciting and creative waste solutions and the impact these have on our environment. They investigated the 6R's (Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Repurpose, Recycle) and explored CERES' waste recovery systems that are inspired by nature's cycles. 


After the event students revisited their day by writing and drawing about their experience. 

Year 5 and 6 First Aid Training

Today Years 5 and 6 had an opportunity to attend a free 90-minute First Aid Training program conducted by the St John Ambulance Victoria.