Administration Updates

Payments And Permissions Now Due


Team Building and Communication Incursion (4th December 2023)

All Year 3/4 students

Due: 01/12/23


Deep Creek Education Centre Excursion (12th December 2023)

All Foundation students

Due: 08/12/23


Year 5/6 Big Day Out (13th December 2023)

 All Year 5/6 students

Due: 08/12/23


Year 3/4 Bike Ride and Picnic (13th December 2023)

All Year 3/4 students

Due: 12/12/2023


School Levies for 2023

All families

Due Now



A reminder that Compass is our main platform for all school correspondence; this includes school reports. Please ensure you have the current app on your phone, tablet or laptop. This way you can be sure you are receiving updates and notifications.  If you are having issues setting Compass up, please don’t hesitate to speak to the school office staff.


Keeping Student Personal Details Up-To-Date

Just a reminder to please advise the school of any changes to your personal information such as phone numbers, addresses or work details. It is essential that this information is up-to-date should we need to contact you. Please call the school office on 97637484 or via email to advise.




Administration Staff