Merbein P-10 College Events

Date Issued:  

            Novemeber 23, 2023    

Merbein P-10 College

188-206 Commercial Street Merbein VIC, 3505

Phone 0350252501



Term 4


Wednesday - 29th

Prep Practice 9.00am - 1.30pm


Friday - 1st

Year 10's final day

Year 10 Celebration evenin

Tuesday - 5th

Year 10 Mildura Senior College Orientation

Wednesday - 6th

Year 10 Mildura Senior College Orientation

Thursday - 7th

Year 10 Mildura Senior College Orientation

Friday - 8th

Merbein Rotary Community Carols

Monday - 11th

Awards Night - Mildura Arts Centre

Tuesday - 12th

Prep Practice 9.00am - 2.30pm

2024 Year 7's Orientation Day

Thursday - 14th

Year 6 Graduation Ceremony and Celebration Dinner.  5pm - 7.30pm

Friday - 15th

Student Free Day - No students required at school

Monday - 18th

End of Year Primary Class Parties

Tuesday - 19th

Primary Pool Day

Secondary Lake Day

Wednesday - 20th

Final Day of Term 4

No OSHC on the last day of school.



Term 1


Tuesday - 23rd

Uniform Shop open from 10.00am to 3.00pm

Thursday - 25th

Uniform Shop open from 1.30pm to 6.00pm

Friday - 26th

Australia Day

Monday - 29th 

Uniform Shop open from 8.30am to 4.30pm

Tuesday - 30th

First Day of Term 1 - students to return today



Term 1

30/01/2023  -  06/04/2023

Term 2

24/04/2023  -  23/06/2023

Term 3

10/07/2023  -  15/09/2023

Term 4

02/10/2023  -  20/12/2023


Term 1

30/01/2024 - 28/03/2024

Term 2

15/04/2024 - 28/06/2024

Term 3

15/07/2024 - 20/09/2024

Term 4

07/10/2024 - 20/12/2024


Parent Payment Schedule

Attached is a copy of the Parent Payment Schedule and requisites for 2024 

Holiday Food Drive

We are seeking donations of food items, etc to supply to families in need for this holiday season.

Donation drop off points are Merbein P10 College offices, Ritchies Merbein, Bendigo Bank Merbein

Please, if you can, give generously.


Uniform Price Change 

Due to an increase in prices by our suppliers, a few our uniform items have increased in price.  Please refer to the order forms attached.

Uniform Shop Open Times

As a result of the building project currently happening at school, we are going to have our uniform shop open on the following days and hours.


Tuesdays - 2.30pm– 4.00pm 

Fridays – 8.30am – 10.00am


Orders can still be made and paid for over the phone for items to be passed onto students.

Canteen Prices

Vaccinations at Doctors in Schools

Doctors in Schools will do catch up vaccinations for students that missed out this year.  

Flu vaccinations are also available for a small charge of $15, which should be paid to the College office.

 If you would like an appointment contact the College office on 50 252 501

Doctor's in Schools

The doctor is still available on Wednesday's between 9.30am and 1.30pm.  If any secondary students would like an appointment see the College office or call  50 252 501.