The Principal's Desk

Dear parents, students, families and friends,
Last week I attended the Year 3/4 camp at Sovereign Hill from Monday to Wednesday. As tiring as it is, I really enjoy being able to spend time with the students on camp. This camp provides a unique experience for the students, allowing them to stay onsite at Sovereign Hill and being fully immersed into the Goldfields experience of the 1850s. Gold panning was a big hit. It is amazing watching Gold Fever develop once they have found their first tiny piece of gold. It is also amusing to watch them spending their money to make purchases from the shops along Main Street. Not surprisingly the Lolly Shop had a boom in business with raspberry drops, toffee apples and giant lolly pops being the most popular. You can view a photo gallery from camp on the Classroom & Curriculum page.
On Tuesday we welcomed our Prep students and parents for 2024 to the first of four orientation sessions. The students were both nervous and excited to meet their new teachers and classmates. It was great being able to greet each family at the gate and continue my tradition of mixing up the names of the preps with their older siblings. It was great to also welcome so many new families into our school community. After we settled the students in the Prep classroom, I took the parents to the hall for an information session, followed by morning tea in the staff room.
Step Up Day for all 2024 students is on Tuesday12th December. Besides the Preps there will be a few new faces in the school as we welcome new students across the over year levels. You may start to notice a bit of movement about the place as we make adjustments for the inclusion of a second Prep classroom, making 8 classrooms for next year. The Treehouse is being relocated to the Maths Room. The Meeting Room is being converted to an office for School Leaders and Curriculum Leaders.
As of Monday, all bikes and scooters will now be stored in the Sports Storage Area. Due to the recent desperate and brazen attempt by a person with no morals to steal one of the bikes (which was securely locked to the bike rack) during lunch time, I have decided that the only safe option now is to have all bikes and scooters locked away out of sight. This arrangement will remain in place for the forseeable future until we are able to contruct a purpose built, safe and secure storage facility for bikes and scooters.
As we continue to make final plans and arrangements for 2024, I would like to announce that Mr Tony Castellano, who is our Health & Physical Education Specialist, will not be returning to St. Augustine's next year. Tony made the difficult decision to resign from his position due to family reasons. We wish Tony all the very best next year and thank him for his hard work and contributions to St. Augustine's this year. We will now begin the process of finding a suitable Health & Physical Education Specialist for next year.
A reminder that if you have any concerns relating to the learning or safety of your child/children that there is a process in place for appropriate communication. Classroom teachers are always the first point of contact. If the concern relates to a specialist subject, then making contact with that specialist teacher is the appropriate first step. If after this first point of contact you feel the concern has not be addressed, then the next step is to make contact with myself or Dina Mazzeo as Deputy Principal. It is also important to make contact as soon as possible once a concern arises, that way it can be addressed quickly. I also ask that parents refrain from gossiping about the school, particularly about students, familes or staff. Gossip is not helpful. It does not solve concerns, it only serves to make concerns bigger, especially when the information being spoken about is incorrect or made up.
This weekend sees the end of the church year with the Feast of Christ the King. Next weekend we enter into the Season of Advent and the start of the new church year. As we begin this time of waiting and preparing for Christmas, let us remember that Jesus came into the world to bring PEACE. May we remember the poor, the needy, the lonely, the sick and the oppressed at this time by giving of ourselves to ease their burdens.
Upcoming events:
Wednesday 29th November - School Assembly - Arts Classes - 2.30pm Hall
Friday 8th December - Year 6 Big Day Out at Funfields
Tuesday 12th December - St Augustine's Christmas Carols in the School Hall, 5pm Picnic, 6.30pm Carols
Wednesday 13th December - Whole School End of Year Fun Day at Funtopia
Thursday 14th December - Whole School End of Year Mass at 9.00am
Thursday 14th December - Year 6 Graduation Liturgy, Ceremony and Dinner at 6.00pm
Friday 15th December - End of Term and Year 1.15pm Dismissal
Kind regards,
Matthew Stead