Family Favourites Cookbook

Highvale Primary LAMP initiative

Students involved in the Leadership and Multicultural Program (LAMP) have invited families to share their favourite recipes so we can all enjoy cooking together.


Thank you to the families who have submitted their delicious recipes. We'll share them in each newsletter until the end of the year - so get your aprons ready!


Please note, these recipes are intended for students to cook with an adult member of their family.


We are collecting recipes up until November 30th. Please see School Stream for details.


Artwork by: Aqeil


Macau-Portuguese Vegetable Soup

Contributed by: Brandon


Cultural origin of this recipe: Chinese/Portuguese

Macau is a part of China. It used to be a colony of Portugal. In the early 16th century the Portuguese brought olive oil, salami and other ingredients into Macau according to their eating habits. More than 400 years, many local Chinese get married the Portuguese. The two different food cultures were gradually fused together and evolved into the unique Macanese cuisine in Macau.



0.5kg pork ribs

2 tomatoes 

1 onion 

2 carrots 

1 potato 

3 Bay leaves 

Half of a cabbage 

1 Portuguese Salami 



Knife, cutting board, soup pot, spatula, water basin, olive oil, salt, pepper and 2 litres of water.



Step 1. Wash all ingredients and cut into small pieces. 

Step 2. Boil the ribs in water for 5-10mins, take them out and set aside. Fry the onion and tomato with olive oil, then set aside.

Step 3. Put all the ingredients (except salami and cabbage) and the water into the soup pot and cook on high heat until the soup is boiling, then turn to the low heat for about 45-60 minutes.

Step 4. Add the cabbage and continue to cook for 15-20 minutes, then add the salami and cook for 5 minutes. Add a little salt and pepper for taste.

You have a Macau-Portuguese vegetable soup to enjoy! 

Nougat Candy

Contributed by: Zoey


Cultural origin of this recipe: China

In China's Ming Dynasty, a man named Shangolein won first place in the national exam. He decided to make a special candy to thank God for his love. He thought for three days and three nights at home, and finally made candies with maltose, peanuts, rice and other materials. Candy became famous because it was delicious. Then a foreign missionary brought the candy to the West. The name nougat comes from the French word "nougat", which refers to a candy made with nuts and honey, later added with milk.



Butter (120g)

Marshmallow (360g)

Full cream milk powder (240g)

Crushed peanuts (120g-240g)

Tart Cherries (30g)

Edible rice paper






Step 1. Put the butter and the marshmallow in the pot then gently cook over low heat to melt the marshmallow.

Step 2. Add the full cream milk powder and stir a few times then turn off the heat. Don’t stop stirring otherwise it will burn! Don’t fry for too long otherwise it will become very hard.


Step 3. After turning off the heat put the crushed peanuts and tart cherries in the pot. Use the scraper to mix it all up.  Put on gloves and knead the mixture until it is not sticky. Press and mix the peanuts evenly. 


Step 4. Press it into flat cuboids.


Step 5. When the candy has dried, put it on a cutting board to cut into pieces.

Step 6. Wrap the individual candies in edible rice paper to prevent sticking and then wrap them in candy paper.


Sichuan Boiled Fish (Shui Zhu Yu 水煮鱼 )

Contributed by: Aaron and Lisa

Cultural origin of this recipe: Chinese



300g Bean sprouts

8 slices of Lotus root, Frozen or Fresh

300g Bamboo shoots, Frozen or fresh

Potato slices, few (optional)

600g Barramundi Fillets, sliced into medium thin pieces

Cooking pack from Chinese grocery shop

Ginger, few 

Spring onion, few

Coriander, few


1 wok

1 saucepan



Step 1. Immerse fish fillets, ginger slices and spring onion in cold water for about 30 minutes, then drain. Marinate the fish with power sauce from the cooking pack.

Step 2. Use boiled water to cook potato slice, bean sprout, lotus root and bamboo shoot, then drain, put into the saucepan, leave it aside.

Step 3. Use oil to lightly fry the cooking sauce until fragrance. Pour into enough hot water into wok. Stir and put fish fillets into soup until cooked.

Step 4. Pour whole thing from wok to saucepan.

Step 5. Topping with generous amount of coriander to complete the flavour and garnish.

All done, you are a master chef now!