Exploring movement in P.E. - Dance! 


Physical Education is not just about ball sports and running and jumping. It also includes investigating how to move the body and how to create movement sequences. 


This term in PE we have been lucky enough to have a Dance coach from Footsteps Dance Company. Each year group has been learning dance moves to complete whole group dances in our beautiful Emmaus. The Year 2s in particular have been outstanding with the whole class enthusiastically participating. The boys in 6 Huon have also been standouts. Even our very own Principal Mr Gill got in on the fun and dance!  Can you spot him in one of the photos below? - It's difficult not too once you know where (giggle)


Just a reminder that with the season of summer approaching, it is warming up and all students are required to bring a water bottle to school and PE. Students need to stay hydrated throughout the day and particularly when participating in sport and movement activities. 


Ms Andrews

Physical Education Teacher