Principal's Message

By Ms Reynolds

Friday 10th November 2023 is School Counsellor and School Psychologist Recognition Day. We will be celebrating Ms Georgie, our school counsellor. She has connected with our students with empathy and compassion, listening to them and empowering them to persevere and reach their potential.


Ms Georgie, we are so grateful for your skills, professionalism, and dedication. Thank you for your hard work this year.

5 weeks of the school year to go

The year has flown by and we are starting to plan for the end of year reflections/celebrations as well as next year. Thank you to all of our GEPS community for your efforts in supporting student learning this year. Students are still working hard in classrooms - we work all the way to the final week before we start any sort of pack up - and they continue to learn new concepts and skills.

Learning Overviews for each stage will go out next week giving you an overview of what your child is working on in class.


If you are leaving GEPS next year - and moving somewhere new - please let us know, by contacting the office (ph 9637-1562).


Monday 27 November - Year 5 students give speeches for Leadership Positions, hall.

Tuesday 28 November - Year 6 Farewell dinner

Monday 4 December - The mobile Dental Van comes to GEPS for the week

Tuesday 5 December - final scripture lessons & Thank You lunch  for volunteers

Wednesday 6 December - last Kindy Transition session

Thursday 8 December - last day to submit merit awards for 2023 (GEPStars, Galaxy, Cosmic etc)

Tuesday 12 December - Presentation Day 9am.

Friday 15 December - last days for students.