Principal's Report

with Simone Roy

Year 12s end of school celebrations

I would sincerely like to thank the Year 12 students for the way they finished off their official classes for the year and celebrated the end of their 13 years of schooling.


At the last minute, as always, the students put together a very entertaining final assembly for the whole school and families, held on Tuesday afternoon. The whole affair was fun for all participants, including a whole school Kahoot and the younger siblings who had to replicate drawings done on their back onto a white board, work out how to lift a balloon while sitting back to back and build the tallest house of cards. The ‘guess the baby photo’ competition was definitely tricky and it always amazes me how some faces change drastically, while others just grow into themselves.


The students then decorated the corridors after school, then participated in their evaluation evening. The next morning saw a quick breakfast, the traditional water fight and water slide, a clean up (the school did look better than it started!) and then the traditional morning tea with the staff before heading home for a well earnt rest.


Over this time, the students had fun, were respectful towards all and took responsibility for the mess they made. Exams start today and we wish all our finishing Year 12 students the very best.

VCE Vocational Major (VCE-VM) fundraiser

Congratulations to the Year 11 VCE-VM students who planned and organised, cooked for, and ran a successful fundraiser for the Beyond Blue’s Big Blue Table on Monday. They raised $357 for this charity, whose work is to help begin the conversation to “fight the stigma of mental health — one meal at a time”. In a team effort, this class not only completed more of their course work, but also raised money for a good cause.

School For Student Leadership (SSL) 2023 – Don Valley Campus

Our team of 6 Year 9 students have been getting right into the swing of things at the SSL – Don Valley. Alec, Beau, Connor, Ella, Hannah and Jacinta are currently planning their Community Learning Project (CLP), a major focus of learning in their time away, where they plan a project designed to help the community in some way and how to implement it on their return. We look forward to seeing what they come up with, which is presented to their schools towards the end of the term, and seeing how they have grown over their time away.

National Children’s Week 2023

Children's Week is a national celebration that recognises the talents, skills, achievements and rights of children. Running from Saturday 21st October to Sunday 29th October 2023, this is a time to recognise just how amazing our young people are and what each one of them is capable of achieving.

Teachers’ Day

World Teachers' Day is held internationally on 5th October, but as that date usually falls during the holidays in many parts of Australia, Victoria is celebrating World Teachers' Day this Friday, 27th October. This day is to recognise and celebrate the teachers who are making, or have made, an impact in our lives. I am sure that we can all think of one teacher that helped shape us in some way during our formative years and they probably never even knew it!


Thanks to all of our wonderful teachers, who are dedicated, hard working and care for all our students.