Drummo Sport Report and Sports Day Information

All the very best to Joe Knobel today who is competing in the State Championship Athletics Shot Put competition at Albert Park!!
School Sports 2023
On Monday 13th of November we will be holding the 2023 School Sports at Llanberris Athletics Track. The children have been practising and training during their sport lessons and are very excited to have the opportunity to compete on a professional running track. Measurements for our field events will happen on the day and this is a great way to get involved…whether it’s raking the long jump pit or marking where the discus lands, staff are always very grateful to have extra helpers on the day.
Children will compete in year levels and will move around from event to event with their designated staff-members.
We aim to start our sprints by 9.40am. This is a stand alone event which allows the children to watch and cheer on their peers, creating an exciting atmosphere to start our day.. Copies of the sprint races will be placed around the school in the days leading up to Sports Day..
The children will need to bring their hat, playlunch, snacks and their drink bottle. All food and drink bottles for Yr F-2 will be placed in tubs and taken around with the children. Yr 3/4/5/6 children can take their school bags with them or organise to share with a classmate.
The canteen and coffee van may be operating but they are for spectators only.
We will have lunch when we return to school and this will be followed by the presentations to the year level champions and to the winning house.
Asthmatics must carry their puffers with them.
Children may wear coloured hair/faces and T Shirts on the day to support their team.
We will still go if it is damp as it is an all-weather track. We strongly advise the use of sunscreen and will have it with us. Even if it is not a particularly sunny day there is a real chance of getting wind-burnt.
All children score points for their houses by just participating, with place-getters earning extra points (4 for 1st, 3 for 2nd, and 2 for 3rd). The children are keen to do their best and to encourage each other along. School Sports are always an exciting event on the school calendar. There will be lots of stories to tell on Friday evening, for sure!
Hope to see lots of supporters there on the day!!