St Patrick’s Cathedral Youth Singing Group

If you are a primary or secondary student and enjoy singing or playing music, you are invited to join our St Patrick’s Cathedral Youth Singing Group with a view to singing at the 5pm Mass on the 3rd of December (1st Sunday of Advent).The group will be accompanied and led by Judy Gustus on guitar and will be singing a variety of contemporary music. There may be an opportunity for those who play instruments to join in with the accompaniment if interested. Practices will be from 4.15pm until 5.45pm on the following Thursdays: - November 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th.
Snacks will be provided at each practice session. If practice times are not convenient, please contact me to arrange alternative practice times. Parents who would like to help are most welcome, but there will also be adults with Working with Children Checks in attendance, so participants will be supervised at all times, in accordance with Victorian Government Child Safe Standards. If you are interested in being part of this singing group, please call/text Judy Gustus on 0400344533 or email: with your name and contact details. Thank you.