Year 2

Royal Botanic Gardens Excursion

The Year 2s had a wonderful day at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Melbourne on Tuesday 14 November. They explored the Kitchen Garden, seeing beans, tomatoes, strawberries, lettuce, as well as indigenous plants that are local to the area. Each class planted a bean seed with the guidance of an educator and took them home to watch them grow. The Year 2s then explored the gardens, taking time to enjoy places like ‘Fern Gully’ and a Cacti area that looked like we were in a completely different climate zone! Thank you to the Year 2s for making it a fun day, and for the staff and parents who joined us on the day. 

Reflections from 2F about their adventures in the Botanic Gardens:

At the gardens I saw beautiful colourful plants and flowers. We went for a walk and we stopped to listen to nature and I heard gorgeous birds singing in the huge trees! I smelt the sweet scent of many lovely flowers that had just bloomed on a Summer’s morning. I felt the prickly, spiky soft green cacti leaves.   Zoe


When we were walking through the adventurous rain forest I felt like an explorer in the jungle right in the city of Melbourne! Amazing! When we visited the cacti section, I felt the fluffy type of cacti - it was very unusual. So fluffy!    Audrey


I heard wild birds chirping loudly. I felt the tough, strong leaves of the cacti reminding of plastic - tough and strong!   Ethan


I saw a beautiful pond and a few colorful ducks swimming after their mother. I heard birds singing so beautifully and loudly – I was surprised to hear so many different songs. I tasted some small tomatoes – they were sweet and sour at the same time!   Danni


When the wind rose, I heard the soft rustling of the trees as they tingled in the breeze. When I was in the treehouse everything looked small below me. I smelt the leaves high up in the tree canopy.   Olivia


I saw the most beautiful rainforest I’ve ever seen. There were beautiful pink petals and amazing blossoms on the trees. I’ve never heard more beautiful sounds than the time I was walking through the forest. The tunes were sweet and lovely – the gorgeous birds sang a song! I smelt the gorgeous, rich scent of a delicate rose standing gracefully in the garden bed. Bamboo stems felt cool, strong and smooth.   Janet