Parents & Friends Club

The PFC is very grateful for all the support and attendance at our events in 2023. We will confirm the final amount raised by the PFC events held in 2023 in the last Contact newsletter for the year. 


However in the meantime, planning is already underway for the 2024 events and we’d love your feedback. Please take a moment to complete a short survey via this link. Your responses and feedback will be valuable in planning for 2024. The survey will be open until Sunday 3 December.


The final PFC meeting for 2023 will take place on Wednesday 6 December at 7pm. We’d love and welcome everyone to join us to celebrate what a great year it’s been. We will run a quick meeting and then have some drinks and nibbles to celebrate another year of PFC events. We look forward to seeing as many people there as possible. 

Contact the PFC

Contact the PFC by email -