As part of the SJV Sustainability Initiatives, our Sustainability Captains would like to promote and hold a  No Wrapper Wednesday Food Day each Wednesday in term 4.


Our vision is that, as a school, we will reduce the amount of rubbish that is going to landfill and the amount of plastic packaging we use.

Every Wednesday the Sustainability Captains will visit the classrooms to check which class has the least amount of rubbish in landfill bins. The class with the least amount of rubbish will be rewarded with a game (of the classes' choice) and the winner will be announced at the end of term 4.


Happy recycling from your Sustainability Captains Andyle and Elina




Hi there,

 We are needing to conduct a Council check-in to ensure ongoing school commitment and low contamination levels of the Food and Garden Waste Council Bins provided.


Thanks to the fantastic efforts of your school as part of our initial trial period, we are excited to now implement a Food Waste Recycling Program available to schools in Monash, committed to reducing and diverting food waste to landfill. Moving forward, I will be working with schools to deliver the program and will be your best contact for any questions, requests or concerns regarding food waste recycling.


As part of the continued trial, we will be conducting 6-monthly check-ins with staff leaders and/or involved Green Teams to see how the program is going .We can also offer additional support and education opportunities.


I look forward to meeting you and seeing how the program has gone so far at your school 


Kind regards,

Naomi Ryan



Naomi Ryan

Recycling Educator

Sustainable Monash