P&C Update

Written by M.Glushkova (P&C President)

P&C Update Term 4, Week 4

Spare Change Challenge fundraiser – 27th October 

The P&C ran a spare change challenge fundraiser for 2 weeks to raise the remaining amount of money for the school leaders' playground markers project. 


One winning class per stage won a pizza party lunch to be held on the 1st of November in the school hall. 


Winning classes are KH, 1T, 4I, 5/6S, Support Unit Blue, Support Unit Orange and Support Unit Lime.. 


Thank you to all the volunteers (Angela, Sarah, Jennifer and Vanette) who helped me with collecting the money tins. I would like to also thank everyone who has contributed towards the fundraising events to make the playground markings project possible. Look for them in playground A in November. 


There will be Pizza party photos in the next P&C update. 


World Teacher’s Day – 27th October 

On this day across Australia, we acknowledge and honour our teachers. Thank you for all your dedication and hard work. Happy World Teachers’ Day! Thank you to Lisa for making all the cupcakes, Natasha for making and donating over a dozen vegan and gluten free cupcakes, Shirley for making the fruit platters. Thank you to Vanette, Jennifer, Sarah 

and Angela for helping me on the day and with setting up the dessert table. I hope everyone enjoyed the pannacottas I donated! 














P&C Meeting 

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, 22nd November in the school hall. We will also be providing a Christmas lunch at the meeting.


Term 4 

Here’s a sneak peek into what the P&C has planned for Term 4: 

- 1 more P&C meeting which includes a free P&C lunch - 22nd November 

- Kindergarten welcoming with free orientation bags handout – 31st October and 23rd November 

- Pizza Party - 1st November 

- Pre-school graduation gift 

- Year 6 graduation gift 

- Christmas raffle draw - 1st December 


We would also love to hear how YOU think we can all support our school community. If you haven't yet joined the P&C, you can still join by emailing us at sjppspandc@gmail.com, or message us on the Facebook page: 'P&C of St Johns Park Public School'. 


Let’s come together and make this a fun year for our students.