
Term 4 Italian Grade Prep, Grade 1 and 2
Preps This semester, Prep students have enthusiastically engaged in their learning. They have consistently revised general greetings and responses to questions such as what their name is, how old they are and how they are feeling, and I am thrilled that most students have a great recall. Prep students have enjoyed playing games to learn their numbers from 1 - 10 and have been very keen to attempt to learn numbers to 20, which puts them in good stead for next year.
Throughout the semester, students learned how to say the names of some domestic animals in Italian ie. cane - dog, gatto - cat, tartaruga - turtle, uccello - bird, coniglio - rabbit and pesce - fish. Preps always enjoy a hands-on activity and have been exposed to the 4 names of basic shapes: cerchio - circle, quadrato - square, triangolo - triangle and rettangolo - rectangle. Students have consistently revised the names of colours and love to find the Italian colour in the room. They thoroughly enjoyed making a muffin pizza in the kitchen and learning the names of the food toppings used.
For the remainder of this semester, students will learn the names of the days of the week, some body parts, family members ie mamma, papa, sorella, fratello as well as to continue to revise general topics discussed.
Grade 1s This semester, Grade 1 students have continued to enthusiastically engage in their learning. They have revised simple greetings and general conversational language, and are much more automatic in their responses. Grade 1s have been practising to count to 20 and have begun to count by 10s to 100. They have enjoyed playing games. Topics studied this term include colours, domestic animals, family members, days of the week, basic shapes, numbers, ordinal numbers, community workers, classroom items, fruit and some prepositions.
Grade 2s Grade 2 students can identify and pronounce the names of the letters in the Italian alphabet with recognition of the vowel sounds. Topics studied this term include foods, shapes, ordinal numbers, days and the months, seasons, hobbies, community workers and buying items or foods in a shop scenario. Students have developed the knowledge of how to ask for an item and how much it costs.
Students have learned some preposition words to locate school items in the classroom through games. Grade 2 students have made a kiddy version of tiramisu` in the kitchen.
It is lovely to see Prep, Grade 1 and 2 students displaying such confidence in Italian classes.
Arrivederci Signora Marson, Signorina Dalton e Signorina Petruzi.