Grade One

Grade 1 students have made a wonderful start to their final term of Grade 1! They have enthusiastically reconnected with their peers and independently settled into the routines of their classrooms. All classes have been eagerly practicing their songs for the upcoming school production and showcasing their awesome dance moves. We cannot wait to share our hard work with our families!
In Mathematics, we have been providing students with a variety of opportunities to challenge and extend their current knowledge through the practice of open-ended worded problems. By extending their knowledge of place value, students have been able to apply their understanding to other concepts including sharing. We have also revisited past concepts to consolidate their skills. Students have enjoyed the opportunity to record their understanding in multiple ways such as writing a numerical sentence, illustrating or making it. Finally, students enjoyed and engaged in many activities connected with the annual Melbourne Cup though learning tasks focusing on length, time duration and data.
During the first few weeks of Term 4, students have been exploring narratives, where they have looked at the purpose, structure and language features of varying mentor texts such as fairy tales, chapter books and Dreamtime stories. Students have strengthened their writing through the use of descriptive language, action verbs and time connectives. In the weeks to come, students will be learning about procedural text types and how to write a series of steps for a simple task such as how to brush your teeth.
Integrated Studies:
Our unit of work this term is Creativity. Students have continued to explore and work through the design process to create different projects. This has involved students using their skills of cooperation and understanding through partner and group work. Students have also been exploring and comparing best suited recycled materials to produce their projects. Each week students will revisit the process and reflect on their original designs. Classes will be sharing their ideas and final pieces with a gallery walk between grade 1 classes.
The Grade One Team