
Can you believe it is Term 4 already? We have so much fun planned for our Prep friends before the end of their very first school year!
Continuing from our writing success from Term 3, Prep students will continue to build their skills in Narrative writing. This term, we have been brainstorming interesting problems and solutions that might occur in our stories.
The Prep teachers have been so proud of the determination shown by our students during our Maths lessons. Currently, we are learning all about Place Value. Recently, each student created their own Place Value rocket using a number that was individually selected. This encourages our students to take responsibility for their learning and strengthen their connection to the topic.
Our integrated topics this term are Topsy Turvy Tails and Connections. During the Topsy Turvy Tails unit, the Prep students will be using their critical and creative thinking to explore various topics such as completing Mr Squiggle drawings or creating objects with hands-on materials. The Connections unit encourages students to create connections between themselves and their peers when exploring likes and dislikes, or real-world connections through discussions of cultural celebrations such as Halloween, Diwali and Christmas.
We can’t wait to complete more buddies sessions this term with our Grade 5 buddies, and possibly visit the kitchen for some Christmas baking if we are lucky!
In addition to activities planned for the Prep cohort, we will also be participating in a number of whole-school events such as the Oatlands Kingdom Art Show, Whole School Production, Remembrance Day Ceremony, Colour Run and Christmas Assembly.
We can’t wait for all of the Term 4 fun ahead!
From the Prep team.