
I would like to open the invitation to all parents/guardians to attend a meeting or even help out with events during the year to see what the PFA is all about. You don’t have to commit to every event just when you can help out.
If you want to help with PFA events you would need to have given a copy of your Working with Children’s Card to the office and completed a Code of Conduct Form which is available reception.
If you have questions or would like to join out the PFA please email p.f.a@oatlandsps.vic.edu.au
Colour Run
WHEN: Friday 24th of November
WHERE: Oatlands P.S. Oval
TIME: 1PM TO 3:20PM (approximately)
The PFA and Junior School Council will be holding a Colour Run on Friday 24th of November. This is an event that students are still talking about 5 years after our previous event.
A notice is coming out within the week for students and staff to start fundraising for this event.
We are seeking parent volunteers please email the PFA if you would like to help out on the day. We need parents from 9am for set up and then helping at the event. All volunteers need current WWC card.
As a way to minimise the number of fundraising activities held within the school this year, the PFA will be working with Junior School Council on a joint fundraiser. The funds raised from this event will go to the PFA, who will use the money to purchase resources and/or facilities for our school. Our Colour Run is about participation and developing the values of kindness and gratitude. Students will also be treated to a great day as a reward for their fundraising efforts.
Your child will obtain sponsorship for participating in this event. To do this, just record the name of the person sponsoring your child along with the amount on the form supplied. After the Colour Run, all money should be returned with the sponsorship form, to your child's teacher by THURSDAY 30TH OF NOVEMBER. Please note that children should only ask family and friends who are known to them for sponsorship and SHOULD NOT go door knocking.
In addition to obtaining sponsorship, your child will need to wear a black or white t-shirt on the day. We also recommend that children wear dark coloured shorts, leggings or tracksuits as lighter colour fabrics may stain. The colour run powder is safe, non-toxic and has been used by a number of local schools. Children may however, wear sunglasses or goggles during the event if they are concerned about getting the colour powder in their eyes. We would also recommend that you pack or bring a towel and/or a change of clothes on the day, if you are concerned about getting colour powder in your car.
Could you please complete and sign the permission slip below and return to your child's teacher by Friday 10TH OF NOVEMBER. Please feel free to contact us, or your child's teacher, should you have any questions about this event.
If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to email the PFA at p.f.a@oatlandsps.vic.edu.au
We are looking forward to this exciting event.
Many thanks,
Entertainment Book
The P.F.A. are raising money for our School, please help us achieve our goal by purchasing your Entertainment Membership from us.
The price is $69.99 for a single city or $119.99 for a Multi city membership and Oatlands Primary School receives 20% from every Membership sold so tell your family and friends to support us as well.
Please click on the link to buy