Staff Profiles

Full Name:

Andrea Romano


Role at St Joseph's College:

Languages Learning Leader


Qualifications/Work/Study History:

Diploma of Education


Length of time at St Joseph's College:

5 years


What do you love most about working at St Joseph's College?

Students interaction and collegial spirit


What has been your most memorable moment in your time at St Joseph's College?

Italy Trip 2019


What is one thing that people would be surprised to learn about you?

I speak 4 languages



Full Name:

Sarah Mai


Role at St Joseph's College:

Delany House Leader - Brigidine Campus, Foods and Business Management teacher


Qualifications/Work/Study History:

I have a degree in Business and have just completed a Graduate Diploma in Health and Foods.


Length of time at St Joseph's College?

A long time!


What do you love most about working at St Joseph's College?

I love the community and the way that the staff support each other. I also love the positive attitude of my students and their willingness to have a go.


What has been your most memorable moment in your time at St Joseph's College?

My first Year 10 Foods class. They were so eager to learn and wanted to improve their skills.


What is one thing that people would be surprised to learn about you?

I was married in Vanuatu.



Full Name:

Jenna Laughlin


Role at St Joseph's College:

Moore House Leader: Kildare Campus. Technology: Wood and Robotics, HPE and Maths teacher


Qualifications/Work/Study History:

Bachelor of Physical and Health Education - Latrobe University. Graduate diploma in Design and Technology - ACU


Length of time at St Joseph's College:

12 Years


What do you love most about working at St Joseph's College? 

The school community - staff, students and families. Working together to help our students achieve success and graduate outcomes.


What has been your most memorable moment in your time at St Joseph's College?

Timor-Leste Immersion in 2016. The young people we took to Timor-Leste were wonderful examples of Strength and Kindliness.


What is one thing that people would be surprised to learn about you?

I went on the Young Endeavour in 2012 for two weeks sailing up and down the east coast of Australia. In 2014 I attended the Dawn Service at Anzac Cove in Turkey.