Transitioning to School in 2024
This section is relevant for families who have children attending Foundation in 2024.
Transitioning to School in 2024
This section is relevant for families who have children attending Foundation in 2024.
Our Blue and Orange Teams have been showing great bravery and excitement at their most recent classroom transition visits. Spending time in the learning environments that our children will be embraced by in 2024 is a wonderful way to ground anxiety as potential routines and rituals are experienced.
The children have been spending extended times at school with the integration of play alongside other Big School children, working within the Stage 1 classrooms, and participating in Music & Movement lessons in the Performing Arts studio.
It has been beyond encouraging to see the children move throughout the school with bravery and excitement. Asking questions has been a powerful driver for alleviating worry, so if your child is sharing any further questions they have about Big School, please share them with us as we would love to explore answering them together.
The ease in which the teams have been exploring the Big School environment is a testament to the opportunities that are presented throughout the year to the children. A main priority for why Curiosity exists!
A little reminder:
Transition dates: Thursday 23 November, Thursday 30 November & Monday 11 December from 8:40 - 10:30am for the first two visits and then 9 - 10:30am on the final one.
Morning Program is NOT available on these dates at Curiosity, and families are required to drop their child off and collect them on the day from school. Bookings have been removed for the families that this affects. Once the transition visit is over, families are required to sign their child in at Curiosity please.
Children are asked to wear the Curiosity uniform and bring along a hat, drink bottle and healthy snack.
This section is relevant for families who have children attending Foundation in 2024 and accessing Imagination in early January.
If your child currently attends our Afternoon Program, we would like to offer them the opportunity to experience Imagination this term. On the following dates, the school aged children will be cared for at Imagination by Miss Nicola and Miss Alysha. Both these educators are well known by the children and will remain with them until you collect them.
The children will experience what it feels like to walk to OSHC, find a place for their bag, sign in with an educator, locate the bathrooms and play areas and enjoy afternoon tea. These experiences will offer familiarity to the children and give time for the building of relationships with the educators and other children at the Service.
Dates of Imagination Visits: November 20, 24, 29 & December 5 and 7. If your child is not currently accessing our Afternoon Care program but will be going to Imagination in 2024, please speak with Jacqui or email to book in a session if you feel this would be valuable for your child. Bookings will close for this opportunity on November 17.
Please note that if your child currently attends an Afternoon session on one of these dates and has a 4:30pm pick up time, that on these 5 dates collection can be at 6pm.
If you have a child at Imagination and Curiosity, you will need to manage your afternoon to ensure that you are collecting both children before 6pm please.
In our next iNewsletter, the Imagination Team will send you a little introduction. Please note that you will be able to action an Imagination account before the end of 2023 and book your child in for the Holiday Program which will commence on January 8. the OSHC Directors, Ms Ali Flynn will send information shortly about this process.