Wellbeing News

Prepared by Sonya O'Brien


Navigating your child's online presence.

"Supporting your child to manage the risks on social media means they can safely enjoy all the benefits it has to offer."

RAP (Reconciliation Action Plan)

On Thursday 9th November at 9:00 a.m. we will be holding a RAP meeting. 

All community members are invited to attend this meeting. Our student Wellbeing leaders will also be attending.

We will be presenting our RAP and then with the assistance of our KESO (Koorie Education Support Officer) be preparing how we will be supporting the implementation of our RAP in 2024.

Please message me via Sentral if you will be attending the meeting so that we can make arrangements for the space we will need on the day.



We have had reports that some of our students have had headlice over the past few weeks.

Please check you child's hair regularly for headlice and/or nits and treat them as need. Below is a link to information on how to detect headlice and how to treat it. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you require support to treat headlice/nits.