Art Show Relfection

Thank you to all the families that attended the Art Show last Friday - what an amazing show of support. Even the rain, couldn't dampen the excitement of attending the event. I was impressed to see so many families enjoying the exhibitions and participating in our wonderful STEAM activities.



As you all know, these events are a team effort, and this year I have had an awesome posse of workers behind the scenes. The Art Show would not have been such a resounding success without a remarkable group of people; I'd like to give a shout-out to:


Raema Baker

Mandy Sturt

Claire Moore

Sarah Small

Adam Palmer

Brydie and Clay McNamara

Lizzie Howard

Sole Paatsch Rubio


I'd also like to formally congratulate and thank all the outstanding teachers of Newlands Primary School for trusting and supporting me through this journey. 


Warmest Regards,

Margaret Corzo