School Fete is Coming! 

Nov 11, 2023

Our very special school fete is just around the corner so make sure you have the date locked in your diary – Saturday 11th November. The day will be full of delicious food, fun activities for the kids, awesome music performances, and lots of stalls with goodies to peruse. So be sure to come down, throw a rug on the grass, and enjoy the festivities!


We are also still looking for helpers and volunteers to assist on the day. If you haven’t had the chance to help out on a school event this year, now is your chance to be part of a super fun day!


Below are the areas we need assistance with. Just click on the link to the area you want to help in, select a time that suits and you’re away! The shifts are short so still plenty of time to enjoy the day with your family & friends! 


Set-up, general tasks, pack up


Door entry person


BBQ & Drinks


Cake Stall & donations


Do you have any good quality second-hand books or clothing/shoes/accessories you want to offload? If so, we want them for the school fete! We are now collecting donations for the books and clothing stall. Simply bring your donations to school and pop them in the boxes provided in the school office during school office hours. 


2nd Hand Clothes & Books


Face Painting & First Aid


Bookmark Making Stall



The fete plant stall are after plant donations. There is now a labeled crate in the undercover area outside the back of the staffroom (near the little bins) ready to receive donations. 



NPS Fete Team & PFA