Calin J - 2A
During his time in 2A, Calin has been a consistent contributor within our classroom. It has been a delight to have been able to listen to his unique perspectives throughout the year.
Calin has a natural talent for inquiring and creating, whether it be through writing his own imaginative stories, informational texts, or taking the initiative to form a LEGO club for others to share in his passions. He is guided by his interests and is always working on his next project.
I look forward to hearing about the ideas and initiatives you have next year.
Well done Calin!
Oscar R - 5/6A
Oscar’s curiosity and eagerness to explore new ideas are truly impressive. He consistently seeks out opportunities to deepen his understanding across all subjects. His inquisitiveness drives him to ask insightful questions, while his active engagement encourages others to think more deeply. Oscar is always willing to explore new challenges, demonstrating a genuine love for learning. An inspiration for all — stay curious, Oscar!
Lilly D - 6B
Lilly has returned to school in Term 4 with an attitude of determination, curiosity and perseverance. Lilly comes to class ready to learn, showing engagement throughout the lesson and working hard to complete each task. She has been developing her confidence to explore and deep dive topics she wants to know more about. What a great way to prepare yourself for High School - keep it up!
Personal Excellence
Kokoro N - 5A
Kokoro joined EPS at the beginning of the year and has merged seamlessly into 5A. She is an outstanding role model to her peers as she demonstrates her love for learning each and every day. Kokoro’s work ethic and can-do attitude embodies the school value of Personal Excellence. As well as this, Kokoro enters the classroom each morning with a bright smile and demonstrates kindness to her peers consistently - well done Kokoro!
Nicholas J - 5/6A
For consistently demonstrating Personal Excellence in all areas of learning, Nicholas shows exceptional initiative and a thoughtful approach towards his work. He is dedicated to expanding his knowledge across subjects and is always supportive of his peers — helping with problem-solving, providing constructive feedback, and engaging meaningfully with others’ ideas. Nicholas, you are an outstanding role model; well done!
Cooper - 2C
Across the year, Cooper has shown remarkable improvement and worked really hard on his behaviour and making good positive choices. He has become a more focused and respectful student which has had a positive impact in the classroom.
Keep up the fantastic work, Cooper!
Excellence in English
Ellie H - 2B
With an enthusiastic attitude and a growth mindset towards her learning, Ellie has consistently been a positive influence in our classroom. She is a dedicated reader, whose love for books inspires her peers. Ellie is a passionate writer, showing exceptional effort in creating various forms of writing. Ellie engages both independently and collaboratively to express her ideas.
Ellie is a helpful classmate, always ready to lend a hand and support others. Her willingness to think flexibly and try new things has allowed her to develop her unique voice as a writer.
Congratulations on a wonderful year of Reading and Writing!
Sam A - 5B
For consistently producing work of a high standard in Literacy. His focus during instruction has deepened his understanding of language features and his brilliant use of learned strategies within his writing has allowed him to create texts that employ carefully selected vocabulary in addition to it being persuasive, informative and engaging. Sam is a proactive learner, always seeking feedback from the teacher and his peers to improve the quality of his work. It is an absolute pleasure reading your writing- Well done Sam!
Lucy S - 6A
Lucy is a hardworking and dedicated learner who continuously strives to improve her reading and writing. She shows pride in her work and is always asking questions and willing to share. Lucy uses feedback to enhance her work and consistently shows great interest in her progress. I look forward to Lucy’s continued engagement and success with English.
Excellence in Maths
Max F - 2A
Over the course of his time in grade two, Max has shown a high level of effort and is truly deserving of recognition for his efforts.
He is never content with doing what is expected of him, and consistently finds ways to extend his own learning in the classroom. Max takes responsibility for his own learning in maths, frequently impressing his teacher in the process . Whether it is working out the fastest way to solve a rubik's cube, or finding a way to fold a sheet of paper into 512 equal fractions, Max carries an inquisitive and explorative mindset towards new learning.
I can’t wait to hear of all the new mathematical discoveries you make in grade 3, Well done Max!
Judd P - 5A
Judd approaches all areas of the Maths curriculum with enthusiasm and curiosity. His focus and diligence both in class and towards homework tasks is outstanding. Judd is a quiet achiever with a calm demeanour and steady focus. His passion for mathematics shines through in his work, and his positive attitude reminds others that challenges can be overcome with curiosity and effort - Well done Judd!
Reid J - 6A
Reid is a curious mathematician who is developing the ability to be flexible with his maths and apply strategies in various ways. He has worked hard to be a multiplicative thinker and efficiently solve problems. Reid has become a more dedicated and responsible learner who asks questions, shares his thinking and has a growth mindset. Keep up the great work Reid.