Connections Centre
Specialist Feature News: Indonesian
Selamat Siang,
The last few weeks in Indonesian have seen lots of vocabulary building and lots of brainstorming about what we already know!
In the junior school, Foundation is learning about the Days of the Week, and the 1/2 classes are comparing and contrasting Indonesian weather to Australian weather.
In 3/4, students are brainstorming what they already know about Indonesian animals and in 5/6, wild and wonderful creatures are being made ready to learn how to describe them - all before we play a game of Guess Who? in Indonesian!
Terima Kasih,
The Specialist Team
Yana Gill, Marissa Mundy, Natalie Palmer, Hamish Burrill, Steph Muratovic and Beth Cardy
Pupil of the Week
Physical Education
Junior - Tiffany C (FE)
For demonstrating respect and a love of learning and always having a smile on her face during PE sessions.
Senior - Elspeth M (3/4K)
For demonstrating leadership, kindness and a love of learning when assisting her peers during our Netball activities.
Visual Arts
Junior - Elsie M (1/2A)
For demonstrating creativity and zest when creating your chalk pastel fruit art.
Senior - James N (5/6E)
For demonstrating a love of learning and creativity when adding extra detail to your Graduation Bear project!
Junior - Yijian W (FE)
For your outstanding curiosity as we explored the growth cycle of plants around our school, this week.
Senior - Lily S (3/4W)
For an wonderful effort in drawing and describing producers, consumers and decomposers in the ecosystem. You take such great pride in your work, Lily.
Junior - Reya N (FT)
For always demonstrating a love of learning and challenging yourself when learning the days of the week in Indonesian.
Senior - Charlie W (5/6E)
For designing a creative creature and describing it's features using high level sentences.
Performing Arts
Junior - Keshav G (FE)
For showing enthusiasm, respect and dedication during Performing Arts lessons especially during our singing activities.
Senior - Jana A-S (3/4K)
For showing respect, dedication and enthusiasm during dramatic play explorations in Performing Arts this week.