If you are a year 10, 11 or 12 in 2025, are creative, enjoy making art, enjoy being outside and possibly thinking about a pathway in art, design or architecture...this opportunity is for you! We are launching our first ever Senior Years Art and Design Camp to Sydney and Bundanon NSW April 30th - May 3rd, 2025. Only 20 spots available!
Students and staff fly to Sydney, visit galleries and artist studios, and stay the night overlooking the Sydney Opera House. The next day we take a charter bus to Bundanon Riversdale Art Education precinct to stay onsite and participate in three days of artist-run workshops immersed in the Shoalhaven River landscape. We have special guest evening workshops, including a First Nations artist and a low light night photography session. On the last day we bus back to Sydney and fly home.
If students are interested, can they please email Miss Fecondo or Mr West as soon as possible.
Year 12
In what is an exciting and potentially nervous time for our Year 12 students, the end of Year VCAA examinations are fast approaching. Year 12 students will finish classes on Tuesday the 22nd of October before having some time to study prior to the English exam.
We look forward to celebrating each student across Monday the 21st of October & Tuesday the 22nd of October. Our students will have the opportunity to celebrate their time at Western Heights College through an array of activities planned during these days. This includes a fun session allowing the students the opportunity to sign each other’s shirts and enjoy their last moments.
Monday morning, students will be acknowledged and farewelled at a whole school assembly, before having a dress-up day on Tuesday, with the theme being “Famous People”. Students have been told what is and isn’t allowed for this day as we all want the students to enjoy themselves and continue with this graduation tradition, but we also must keep the impact on others in mind during these activities. We will have a little bit of fun at the school, before heading out to Curlewis Driving Range for some fun. As this is technically an excursion, permission and payment is required through compass before students can attend. We will look at returning to the college around 1pm and students will be dismissed.
At the end of scheduled classes, students are allowed to spend the days at home studying for their exams. If students feel that they would prefer to be at school, teachers of VCE classes will be available during what normally will be year 12 class times either in the normal classrooms or in the library.
Good luck to all students completing exams with our first exam (ENGLISH) on Tuesday 29th October in the blue building at 9:00am. Students should be there at least 20 minutes prior to any exam.
On behalf of the College, we wish our VCE students all the very best for the upcoming exam period. You have put in the work all year, go in with confidence!
Yr 12 Biology
As we wrap up another teaching year, our Year 12 Biology students have worked very hard and have their celebration day fast approaching! We wish our cohort of 12’s all the very best in their final year exams and we will be present to support and guide them before their Biology Exam in two weeks’ time.
Good Luck!