The Diocesan Consultation Process - Phase 2

At Thursday's staff meeting teachers took part in phase two of The Diocesan Consultation Process. Through prayer, respectful dialogue, and attentive listening, this process aims to arrive at an agreed set of recommended pastoral and organisational initiatives that our Diocese can put into practice over the next five years, to enable us as individuals, and our faith communities, to become more Christ-centred, synodal and missionary.
This is another opportunity for our Diocese, guided by the Holy Spirit, to choose the steps we now want to take, to promote community, inclusion, growth in faith, solidarity and co-responsibility for mission as we continue to journey together.
The process is not about changing Church doctrine or teaching. Instead, it is hoped that by trying to imagine concrete solutions to the opportunities and challenges our Diocese is facing, we will find creative ways of becoming the Church Jesus has called us to be – a Church that listens, is humble, is a place of encounter and dialogue, open and welcoming to all, values its traditions, liturgy, and prayer, celebrates meaningfully all the significant life moments, and reaches out to those who are poor and on the margins of society. Experiencing this vision of Church, it is hoped that all will want to play a part in making this become a reality.
Year five and six students also took part in this process to share their views on what is working well in our parish and school and what ideas or changes could make our parish and school even better in the next five years.